Minecraft Minions

Minecraft Minions


[Feature Request - BattleTowers] Regen tower after X time + config

Codingale opened this issue ยท 4 comments


In the tower explode trigger set a schedule to respawn it after x minecraft days or something.


Mh. While i don't hate the general idea, a worthy implementation would be tricky. I'd like something like the tower "growing back" organically instead of being "stamped" into existence again.

For that matter, the towers should be re-designed so you have to cross each stage to reach the stairs to the next level. Ah, so many ideas, but i am saving what coding motivation i have for the upcoming 1.13 upgrade.


i doubt many will be moving to 1.13 for a while, its too new, almost no mods for it, and huge/popular mods are just not going to be supporting it for a good while. 1.12 could very easily become a sort of 'base' like 1.7.10 did for modding


Not this comment again, to quote a recent thread about 1.13 on reddit

Forge devs will dev if they want. This discussion has taken place a thousand times before, and the same points are always tossed out. People are going to play the version they want with the mods they want. Stop trying to make a new "golden age" of modded.

and this from a guide for 1.12.2 -> 1.13:
As always, the world is not ending
PLEASE do not spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) or random dubious facts about the port's difficulty. It just makes it harder for the community as a whole.

If 1.13 lasts long like 1.12 did, it'll upgrade. People don't like change yes, but people will update and code more interesting things for 1.13

Back to your point Atomic, I could see that being a neat feature but I simply just wanted to see if it's been exploded, if so, then rebuild it and respawn after x days likely calling a command like normal.

As a side note: regenerating all battle towers currently spawns a new golem and doens't check if one exists, as with loot.

I think the chests also get filled every time so if it hasn't been cleared it'll be full causing an error about overfilled chests iirc


Considering 1.14 is already on the way, I doubt 1.13 will be "lasting long" lol. My points still stand.