Minecraft Minions

Minecraft Minions


Seizure-Inducing Flickering in Dynamic Light

DrParadox7 opened this issue ยท 10 comments


When players are set on fire, Dynamic Light will flicker on and off extremely quickly possibly causing seizures to the aforementioned players:

Video Demonstration [Warning: Contains flashing Lights]


I have a fix ready for it in 1.7.10 and I hope you can consider it critical enough to allow its publishing on GitHub or even publishing it yourself on Curseforge as a new release.


I'll post the fixed version here.
If you find that to be a breach of license, please delete this comment and its attachment:
Dynamic Lights-1.3.10-MC1.7.10.zip

The only class changed was atomicstryker.dynamiclights.client.adaptors.PlayerSelfAdaptor

if (this.thePlayer.isBurning()) {
  this.lightLevel = 15;

was placed before

if (prevLight != 0 && this.lightLevel != prevLight) {
  this.lightLevel = 0;

rather than after.


This new version 1.4.0 also rolls back the 1.3.9a update where the configs are unified into1 (which is not in the github either, I decompiled the mod to get it).


Hmm this code from a decade ago is .. ewww
Logic does not appear to make sense
I rewrote that module a little

Could you take this updated file and check if it works



Hmm this code from a decade ago is .. ewww Logic does not appear to make sense I rewrote that module a little fef8c9e

Could you take this updated file and check if it works


The mod provided won't work, even when the dummy mod is loaded in


Curious. Why is this not in my github? Perhaps it was during the migration from the previous svn to github and got lost. I'll check it out later. Busy


Ah, i didnt remember this, but apparently that version was made by "LakMoore" and he gave it to me for distribution.

He then apparently created a fork


So, your file actually still has @mod version "1.3.9a" in the DynamicLights.class

I could take the file, adjust the changelog like so:

1.3.9a bugfix (thanks to https://github.com/DrParadox7)

  • Fixed potentially Seizure-Inducing flickering light when player is on fire

1.3.9a (thanks to https://github.com/LakMoore)

  • Changed the Modules to Adaptors
  • Brought the processing and config into the main module (one list of entities to check)
  • Removed the worker threads

And publish it on the Dynamic Lights curse. Would that be OK with you?


Sure, do whatever you deem necessary to get it released.
I don't mind it at all as my primary concern is the health risks it poses.


Ah, i didnt remember this, but apparently that version was made by "LakMoore" and he gave it to me for distribution.

He then apparently created a fork https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/smooth-entity-light

I've spent a fair bit of time trying to find that fork without success.
I'll be sure to also send the PR to it if the issue is there also, thanks for the heads up ๐Ÿ‘


OK thanks, ive pushed it to curse, and linked you in the changelog and in the version changelog.
I could reverse-engineer the source but i dont want to invest the effort, that's atleast a couple hours work undoing the obfuscation.