Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)

Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)


Error executing task

LavaHoleD opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Sometimes when someone reaches me with a vehicle (from a distance where the chunks are not loaded), and it loads the player with him inside driving, vanillafix says that it found an error and shows up this report.
No idea why this happens.


Interesting. Does it break any of the game and cause anything odd to happen besides throwing that error? The error itself is saying that IV is having issues while removing a rider from a vehicle, though no clue why it's removing him as he's clearly driving the vehicle.

Also, is this on your client, his client, the server, or a combination of the three?


Interesting. Does it break any of the game and cause anything odd to happen besides throwing that error? The error itself is saying that IV is having issues while removing a rider from a vehicle, though no clue why it's removing him as he's clearly driving the vehicle.

Also, is this on your client, his client, the server, or a combination of the three?

Looks like it's just throwing an error, perhaps it's nothing relevant. Vanillafix says that errors like this have a chance of corrupting the world and such, but it just might be the general advice it says.


Could you join the Discord and try the latest beta? We made some changes with the entity loading logic that might have fixed this. If you're already there, just ping me. I don't see anyone with your username in there.


Closing due to no user response in over a month.