Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)

Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)


[Request] Make LightLevel on decor capable of being modified, for things like lamps that can be turned on and off

LauraDarkez opened this issue ยท 2 comments


like it says on the tin. the most likely way to do this is using variableModifiers, and i think that if that works on decors, it will work fine. just, a simple way to make it so that if you have a decor with a specialized lightObject, make it so the lightLevel variable can be modified to do what the lightObjects do, such as being turned off when the decor is clicked, or if the decor has to be powered by redstone to turn on, etc


Tin instructions un-clear, modified light level according to proximity of player. Other ideas welcome.


Implemented in V21.3.0.