Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)

Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)


Minecraft Crashes when aircrafts are going too fast

UltraDlayer1 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


My game legit crashes when im going im going too fast with a turbo jet airplane, and yes, I have a good GPU and etc, and I have a ultrawide monitor, so there should be no reason as to why my game is crashing. This is a bug that needs to be worked upon. Btw, I have multiple airports in my world that are scattered throughout my world.


@Elephant1214 Listen, you dont have to believe me, but I guess the mod will never get fixed then since yall think im lying, im giving as much evidence as you need, I even provided the crash report code in the video, so I don't understand what's so fake about my issue, when I provided detail and a video, I even talked to Naxgeneral about this(He is a contributor) and he said its a issue as well.


Crash report or it didn't happen.


It gave me a crash report after I was flying too fast, I guess it happened cause I was rendering too much chunks at a fast rate, idk, but its a bug.


@DonBruce64 Look for yourself, im not lying bruh. Minecraft Crash


That's a video, not a crash report. Also, earlier in that video, you were over the speed, without any issues as far as I can tell, at which your game later crashed.


No one said you were lying. Don asked for a crash report, not a video that showed the exit code for half a second and ended.


Closing due to no response from the ticket owner.