Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)

Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)


[Enhancement] Distant sounds support.

dldev32 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Let's say that we need to diversify the sound playback at different distances. To do this, we simply specify the "minDistance": 0 and "maxDistance": 32 parameters, these sounds will be played from the source to the specified distance. Also, do not forget to specify whether the sound will fade linearly using the "linearFading" parameter to true/false. I think this feature will be useful to many PAs.


"sounds": [
        "name": "packID:cannon_shot_close",
        "activeAnimations": [
            "animationType": "visibility",
            "variable": "gun_fired",
            "clampMin": 1.0,
            "clampMax": 1.0
        "minDistance": 0.0,
        "maxDistance": 32.0,
        "linearFading": false, //will the sound fade out?
        "forceSound": true
        "name": "packID:cannon_shot_mid",
        "activeAnimations": [
            "animationType": "visibility",
            "variable": "gun_fired",
            "clampMin": 1.0,
            "clampMax": 1.0
        "minDistance": 32.0,
        "maxDistance": 64.0,
        "linearFading": true, //will the sound fade out?
        "forceSound": true

I can see this being a good thing to have. However, let us assume a PA says that the sound should play for a 20 block radius. Does that mean the sound should immediately cut off at 20 blocks? If not, where should the cutoff be defined?


I can see this being a good thing to have. However, let us assume a PA says that the sound should play for a 20 block radius. Does that mean the sound should immediately cut off at 20 blocks? If not, where should the cutoff be defined?

You can try to make the sound fade out if the "sound engine" allows it, but such a function should be controlled by another parameter.


Would personally like this functionality and would use it, useful for separating quiet economical engines from loud engines, and could benefit jet based aircrafts that make a loud whooshing noise when you're far away from them


I would certainly like this feature.


So, this is super simple to do. Y'all have 1 month to submit a PR (or bug E) to do this. After that, ticked will close with a wontdo. Tick tock!


Tis been 1 month. Closing time.