Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)

Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)


[Enhancement] duration/smoothing for analogue variables

Ilya-torshov opened this issue ยท 1 comments


As to our conversation in garage


I'm canning this ticket. Not because it's super hard (though it is complex), but the only thing I see this being used for is connecting an increment variable on a lever to something that moves with that lever, to keep it from just jerking into place. In this case, what you're really wanting is lever-activated smooth movement. Like a forklift raising a pallet, or a bucket truck, or the rear of a food truck in a certain GAP. In all cases, Variable Modifiers do this far better, as you can connect a hitbox "button" to an up or down command, and even set limits, to get the instant-motion. Or, you can use the increment, and use it as a "move-to" sort of VM where your thingy slowly moves to the position requested (like a ladder truck or tank turret). In summary: VMs give more granular control of analog movement, and don't incur the complexities of easing code to have a double-variable situation that can easily lead to de-synced animations.