Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)

Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)


[BUG/OS] Every item/block in the core mod "pack" is free.

boot2big opened this issue ยท 4 comments


You heard me right. All of em, each core mod crafting table.
This isn't as problematic until you realize that the decor table can craft the IVV 3D printer, which can craft anything in the mod... (ergo by extension, everything in the core mod) or the fact that, even without IVV, all of the items (jumper cables, battery chargers, etc) are free if you craft the compy crafting bench.

I'll get to this when I can so just slap an Outsourced sticker on this, but uhhh... Yeah. They're free.


Odd, they don't have a recipe, so they shouldn't be in the table at all... Tis probably due to the code with the multiple recipes.


Weeell that would fix it too then, I'll still get onto setting up some recipes for them anyways though. No reason they shouldn't be craftable in a bench methinks?


There's no reason specifically, no. It's more that you'll expect you have to make them via the standard bench and thus having them be there, and in the part benches is somewhat redundant. So I never bothered to make recipes for them.


Fixed in 22.4.0.