Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)

Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)


[Enhancement] Ability to Define some kind of animations on muzzleObject groups to allow muzzleObjects to move in more than just a pitch rotation type of way

LauraDarkez opened this issue ยท 5 comments


this feature would allow for more use with things like mirroring when necessary, and for things with adjustable length barrels. i already have two things that need this feature and are ready to test


I disagree with needing to have adjustable barrel lengths. It's a super-slight visual quirk and one that won't affect the bullet's trajectory.

If it's just mirroing though, I can do that automatically in the code without animations.


it has an effect when it comes to pellet firing guns. the barrel length of a gun i have can be cut off, resulting in the muzzle where the pellets come out being much further than the cut off position, and in terms of mirroring, automatic is not something that should be defaulted. we already had issues with automatic mirroring when it comes to the gun model itself not mirroring the order of the rocket firings


with the barrel length, its either i leave the muzzles at the extra long barrel end, resulting in it being practically useless at close-range with the sawnoff barrel, or i put the muzzle at the sawnoff point and make the bullets clip through the barrel when firing. it also has an effect on what the spread looks like. this feature is also good in general for things where barrel accessories are put on certain guns, as discussed with @boot2big


Outsourcing with 1-month timeline. There are two folks who can code guns, and I don't have time to add yet more gun features when I can't get anyone who uses guns to test betas with any regularity.


Bing bing, time is up.