Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)

Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)


Putting parts in a validSubNames slot and re-coloring the vehicle causes that part to disappear on reload

boot2big opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Part gets Detroited either when the world is reloaded, or when the vehicle is wrenched and respawned.


This brings up the question of what to do. Should they get yeeted during the painting process, or is it acceptable for you to paint your ex-police-interceptor taxicab yellow and keep the noisy bois and party strobes?


I'd say the second option, obviously it isn't as intuitive as having all the police equipment removed automagically but it'd prevent any frustration from realizing you forgot to remove said noisy bois before repainting your vehicle. Reduce reuse and recycle, instead of crafting new ones!


Addressed in 22.11.0.