Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)

Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)


Mod Quality Drop

Big1N opened this issue · 5 comments


hi, and I appreciate making such an awesome mod and making my childhood flying mod. but ever since I've started playing with it again the quality has dropped significantly. When I use the jet airplane I notice that the blades are not spinning when powered on and also to some other attention to detail with engine movement and propeller movement. Another example is when I steer airplanes and cars it seems like I'm gliding on ice and the steering physics is just almost broken which is cringe. idk if this is due to shortcuts or cutbacks in quality or just a bug but whatever the case is I just wish for this unique 1 of a kind mod to go back to awesome realistic physics like it used to be.

Thanks and love big1n


what content packs are you running? a decent chunk of the ground physics can be adapted by authors directly via their wheel jsons


Hi there.

Which jet airplane are you using, exactly? If it's the one from the Official Content Pack, that is a bug that you should'a reported on its own rather than lobbing it in with the rest of a passive aggressive ticket. As for the "other attention to detail", you'd better be specific or be prepared to be disappointed, because that's not descriptive enough for anyone to know what sort of "attention to detail" you're expecting to see.

In V19 Immersive Vehicles experienced an innovative period for steering, allowing them to actually slide rather than turning as if they were stuck to rails, and later even introduced the ability to customize their handling values so that vehicles can make turns at higher speeds, or experience RWD oversteer/FWD understeer. If you want a vehicle to slide less, you need to either put gripper tires on your vehicle or simply not turn as hard.

Plane physics development is at a standstill and I am not at liberty to say why as I simply do not know the reason for it, however you are entirely free to help with testing changes to flight or driving physics, and I'm sure our main coder don_bruce would be tickled to death if you opted to pull-request said changes on your own.


I understand thanks for explaining the steering better. I guess my only issue that the jet which is called Eclipse 500 that is in the official vehicle pack the jet engine blades don’t spin or produce exhaust smoke like it used to. I apologize if my bug report was harsh I didn’t mean it to be mean 🙁. I’m really grateful for you guys developing such an awesome mod.


the blades do spin, but the framerate ive noticed have had a major impact on it. and in terms of exhaust smoke, rest assured the man who is now in charge of OCP will have particle effects overhauled massively in the next update. particles are kinda his thing and he only just got to the e500 content overhauls


Thank you so much and thanks again for your support and this awsome mod