Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)

Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)


Missing project license

zcmp7 opened this issue · 5 comments


The license for code in this repository appears to be missing.
A LICENSE file or a note in the README should be added to make clear how code can be modified, redistributed, etc.
Ideally the project should be licensed as free software under the GNU GPL or similar. Otherwise, please clarify for contributors and users.


TBH, I figured people would just contribute if they want to, or not if they don't. Licencing is only for super-big projects where folks care about money and selling and whatnot. Folks will copy code if they wanna copy, licence or not, and I don't have the money or the care to go after those folks with litigation that won't do a dang thing to stop them from copying stuff.

But, if you think a licence of something is needed and the lack of a licence is stopping folks from contributing, or letting them "steal" code, I'll add one.


Given the level of laissez faire you are expressing, I'd recommend a MIT license. Having a clearly defined license can make folk feel more comfortable in contributing - especially when they have signed intellectual property agreements with over-zealous employers.


I definitely think contributors can be discouraged by a lack of clear license.
This site is a useful resource for comparing different licenses you may use:
It also has a page on the problems of a missing license:


I've gone and added a licence to the project. If there's anything un-clear, please let me know.


Addressed in 22.13.0.