Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)

Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)


Radio doesn't work in 22.15.0?

HolaSoyTuVieja opened this issue ยท 7 comments


So I've been trying to get the radio to work by using audio files on my pc. The only problem I have is that the radio only plays the first seconds in the song, and then stops. It happens in all 6 folders, and if were to try to play the song again, it would continue from where it stopped before. I did notice that this doesn't happen in version 22.13.0, but I do not want to change the version. I'm using mp3 files and I'm on version 1.12.2 using 22.14.2


Seems to be fixed with latest radio audio beta.


Drat, my code changes to fix the radio issues must have broken local playback. Will review and fix.


ye i got the same issue here


Fixed in 22.15.0.


This for the internet stuff or the local files?


Well, it works for me, so something must be up with your installation. I'll be on Discord later on in the week (maybe Friday, or Monday) and can do some debugging then.


Closing due to no response.