Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)

Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)


`variableModifiers` don't seem to run on handheld guns

boot2big opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I don't know how I didn't notice this earlier (other than a hard dip in motivation lately.. sorry) but VMs just, don't run on guns.

Not ideal for all my handhelds since they do fancy shoot-better-when-aiming-(because-you-shoot-worse-when-freehanding) stuffs, but also worse for specific ones that need VMs like the minigun.


Interesting, I never expected anyone to want to run VMs on hand-held parts. I did have them for placed parts, but apparently not hand-helds.


they worked on handheld guns before though, weve been using them for a couple of things, including the toggle lock on my luger


also, good to see youre still alive at least, even if you havent been active on the discord.


Addressed in 22.16.0.