Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)

Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)


No Cleaner for the Spray Cans and I miss more colours. (Mod: Immersive Vehicles - Official Content Pack)

Titoo8899 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I have many Problems found in your mod. One of this was the new Functions of the Spray Cans. Okay I can a wall with a colour spray but I have no chance to clear it. Please it a cleaner for the Spray Can Colours.
I Hope you can a Water Can add with the function to clear the Colours of the Spray Cans and I hope you can more colours add in the next update.
2024-07-31_18 03 29


@Titoo8899 just reload the chunk, they'll go away. They're just particles.

Say @SnailPerson I realized that the particles for the spray can will go away. Thoughts on something that makes particles persist and just do no logic on death and just render?


@DonBruce64 would they be removed on world reload? Persistent particles


@DonBruce64 would they be removed on world reload? Persistent particles

No, I'm thinking of saving them on world load. They'd persist in the world file itself and stay forever, or at least for a far longer time, but they wouldn't do logic during that time. No physics or sounds or anything. Just a maintained state. Though I'm un-sure what this would be used for EXCEPT the paint. Perhaps bullet casings and bullet holes and such? Though eventually I could see this being an issue with too many causing lag. Thoughts on how to handle that?


Thats an interesting pitch, however how to go about making these types of particles being as little performance hungry as possible is unknown to me, that's your expertise.
also how does the paint particle check if the block its been sprayed on gets removed?


@SnailPerson yeah, it's probably not the best since there's not a good way to handle their removal. TBH @Titoo8899 the paint it more just for fun than anything else. I'm keeping them as-is for the moment. The paint stays for 2 minutes, or until you unload the world. Just a little fun thing to show what particles can do, not super special feature or anything. I don't see folks complain about bullet casings going away....