Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)

Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)


Custom panels - 3-position knob not working properly

DrprofLuigi opened this issue ยท 1 comments


2024-08-24_17 25 06

2024-08-24_17 27 15


I have the wiper knob in the above panel tied to rain_strength, however it only moves one notch. Laura also reported the increment function not working properly, though it could simply be an animation issue.


So panels only work with 0/1 states. Boolean, not variable. The only variable-state stuff that's there is hard-coded since it's stuff that's multi-variable, like engine magneto/starter and the like.

TLDR, functioning as expected. Throw a feature thread in the Discord if you want this.