Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)

Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)


When `panelTexture` is defined, it overrides custom panel...

DrprofLuigi opened this issue ยท 1 comments


...however if it is not defined, then the 'instrument adding screen' uses the OCP texture.

A seemingly easy fix would be to prevent panelTexture from overriding the custom panel definitions.

I have a separate texture for panelTexture and the custom panel, that way when instruments are being added, the buttons are there.

2024-08-24_22 13 21
2024-08-24_22 13 25

Proper panel vs. broken panel:

2024-08-24_21 51 04
2024-08-24_22 13 38


So panelTexture is supposed to override the normal texture, that's to allow you to use general panel layouts and still change the texture.

Now, if the instrument adding GUI isn't using a custom panel texture, THAT is an issue. Is that what's happening?