Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)

Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)


Traffic lights wont sync with controll box.

MarcusGuy1108 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


So traffic lights don't / are really buggy for me. Sometimes, I can get them to sync with the box, but after a world reload, they resume to blinking red again.

Forge versions : 1.12.2-forge1.12.2-
MTS Ver : 15.5.0
Packs :
Mts heavy industrial 1.9.1
Unu parts pack 1.12.2-15.5.0-1.5.0-3.0.0
Unu civilian pack 1.12.2-15.5.0-1.5.0-3.0.0
Moonspire met motors 1.10.2-15.5.0-1.5.0-3.0.0
Mts official pack v12
MTS Caterpillar pack v1.1.1
MTS airport pack p1
tim3games European sign pack 1.0.1
IV Trin civil pack 2.2.0
if there is anymore information required or wanted, just say and I'll get them.


modsMy mods


Updating my mods. Didn't know the mod was running an outdated version as Twitch said it was up to date


Yes. Also, sometimes they sync bur after a world reload they blink red again.


Odd. If you try the signal box with only MTS installed, do you have the same issue? I can't seem to re-produce it on my end.


So does this still happen with the updated mods?


I will make sure all my mods are up to date, and also run it with just MTS to test it.


Fixed in V15.9.0.