Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)

Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)


[OCP] Add RR Crossing sign.

DonBruce64 opened this issue ยท 8 comments


I see no reason why we can't make something like this. It's simple, and doesn't come in nearly any packs.


I call this. Lemme download the newest versions of OCP and MTS and I'll get to work.


Darn, I should have been faster.


I'm sorry I don't have this done yet. My mom had radiofrequency ablation and that's taking priority. I'll get it taken care of when things smooth over here.


No worries. This update cycle will take some time, and after I do it I'll have to update the OCP anyways, so I'll likely just add your sign to GitHub and leave it there in the repository until release day.


@fsendventd @obsidian29, Need to check if this is still going in. If not, let me know and I'll close this issue.


Yeah, it is. Sorry it's taken me so long. When I get to the desktop I'll see if I can send it.


Canceling due to lack of interest from modelers. I can't make a sign to save my life.


I sent you the sign, it's not my fault it's not in there. If it got lost, I can send it when I get my desktop running again.