Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)

Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)


Use OreDic for Dyes in Recipes

kandivia opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Some recipes, involving most the dye recipes, don't use the Ore Dictionary, they should. Fuel pump for example.


Bonus Points if Ore Dictionary is supported for the various crafting stations


Isn't OreDict going away in 1.13? I hesitate to support a depreciated feature knowing full well that once 1.13 drops most people will jump to that and I'll be dealing with something that's a pain to yank out as I can't port over.


True, 1.13 will introduce tags which seems to be replacing oreDic


Plus this would be specific to each pack, as the items are defined in the json.


@DrprofLuigi can you elaborate on that? I don't quite follow.


Closing issue due to lack of response, and the fact that OreDict is going away in 1.13. When it comes to crafting with custom items, you are always welcome to modify the Packloader java file to use different crafting bits with benches based on what mods are loaded. Either way, I'm not doing it internally due to the constant changes to crafting that Mojang/Forge keep implementing.


Re-opening, as I'm actually going to be sticking to 1.12.2 and this is a feature I can, and will, support now.


Implemented in V19.13.0. OCP will use OreDict in its next update.