[BUG] Engines that are sub-parts of parts aren't startable or interactable
boot2big opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Gearshifts won't affect them, their starter won't appear in the menu, etc.
{ "generic": { "width": 0.25, "height": 0.25 }, "rendering": { "textObjects": [ { "pos": [0.005, 0.025, 0.00215], "rot": [0, 0, 0], "scale": 0.11, "color": "#040404", "fieldName": "License Plate", "defaultText": "ABC-1234", "maxLength": 8, "lightsUp": false, "renderPosition": 0 } ] }, "general": { "type": "generic_licenseplate_us", "disableMirroring": true, "useVehicleTexture": false, "stackSize": 64, "modelName": "licenseplate", "name": "License Plate [An experiment]", "description": "yes", "materials": [ "minecraft:iron_ingot:-1:1" ] }, "subParts": [ { "pos": [0, 0.001975, 0.000025], "types": ["engine_car"], "minValue": -1, "maxValue": 65536 } ] }
That make sense given how I coded the indexing. Will fix. do you have a test build?
Er, no. Meant a pack that has such a setup that would cause such a bug to become apparent.