[BUG?] Something involving 2048x2048 instrument image sheets and visibility got fucked.
boot2big opened this issue ยท 15 comments
Beta build of IVV, will be released soon.
Is an electric "gauge" screen, or alternatively an aftermarket OBD2 reader. I dunno, but it's IVV V1.5 and it was originally a debug thing I made for CVTs!
Yeah, there's some issues with animations still on the instruments. I need to get em fixed. But spent the day fighting lights instead.
Just fixed the translations, but where does one get a snazzy HUD instrument like that? That current IVV or beta build?
Does this still happen as of latest beta? If so, could I get a beta from you for testing it?
Yup. Main CF release, github builds here... I'll post a beta with certain features for a certain waterfowl removed.
This link contains a beta build with a couple (currently problem-plagued) additions! Simply look for the purple/lime/orange car called the IVLabs Roadster, which automatically spawns with the bugged screen which used to work before certain versions of V20ish IIRC
Alternatively, just put one into a vehicle.
Either way, the first thing you see should be nothing because... the screen should be black! But it isn't, and neither do the FANCY ICONS appear!!
one more thing, if you want the true beta feel just change all the textures to overlay text over a tachometer gauge, that's what it originally was because i needed something to test with more gears than i could previously fit onto a texture sheet
Ideally they can't be on the bottom as then they'd appear over the black screen regardless of power. But thanks for fixing this! (no way in hell am i putting several visibility variables on text when i can have just one thing block it out)
Affirmative. That white thing is supposed to be a blue snowflakes thermometer thing, and... unless you have magnetos on, you shouldn't even be seeing anything. If you drain the battery on the vehicle too, it's supposed to stay off, but... it don't
For reference, here's some mockups on what should be happening.
If magnetos/ignition/power is off (or battery is kill), you should see this.
If the ignition is on and the battery isn't kill, you should be seeing this.
If the engine is overheating, a red steam icon will appear.
If the engine has more than 60 (will increase soon) hours, this icon appears.