Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)

Immersive Vehicles (Formerly Transport Simulator)


HA I cannot find any bullets at all. For the pack extensions.

ShizicksWhy opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Not sure why but i cannot find bullets. whenever i write bullets on jei or rockets. For the extension packs.


Well if you have the version for each if you can tell me it, It would be appreciated. For now i will test each version. main reason why i made this account anyways.


Alright heres what i collected it seems that with hero aviation the version the actually works is with UNU parts pack so nothing to do with immersive vehicles. The date of UNU PARTS is what gives HAHP its ammo


Re-opening, as HAHP has its own bullets, but they aren't active right now due to code changes. Will leave open until it's fixed.


Most packs haven't updated to the new bullet code. Which packs in particular are you looking at?


Thank you for responding im looking for Hero Aviation Helicopter Pack and UNU Military Vehicles. The hellfire missile does not show up which is what im mainly concerned about and the projectiles that i saw in a video would not show up for UNU military vehicles.


Ah, yeah, HAHP hasn't updated in a long time. It uses old bullet naming that's not compliant with new systems. UNU military is close to updating, so you probably can get a beta from the devs in their Discord. Flagging this as such so other people will know.


I still have no idea why theres no bullets or rockets or anything for the extensions at all. Im pretty sure im missing a mod or something.


HA has been updated to work with modern systems, therefore this issue is closed.