Minefactory Reloaded

Minefactory Reloaded


Crash with rednet energy cable (MFR 2.8.1-174)

Opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Hello, I'm having a few problems with mfr. The first crash I got was from a rednet connected to a metal former and a ME controller, while the second one was from a rednet connected to a Recycler.
Basically I was using Ender energy conduit (EnderIO) to transport RF and rednet energy cable to connect them to IC2 machines (automatically converting rf to eu).

Log: http://hastebin.com/conakajegu.avrasm

Crash report: http://hastebin.com/pogawovehu.vhdl

(the logs are related to the second crash)


If it remains persistent, you have a memory leak, probably related to chunk loading/unloading. Too many possible things happening there to even consider iterating what may be the cause.


This crash is not caused by MFR, this was caused by your server running out of memory. A rednet cable was by chance getting updated at that particular moment in time.

Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Additionally, you have a transfer node near x=1012,y=177,z=-288 that's constantly loading an unloaded chunk, you might want to move it over by 1 or 2 blocks.


Should be fixed, -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize was a bit too big