


1.15.2 Menu keeps resetting button

Hiranus opened this issue · 2 comments


As said in the title, I tried setting it up for Traveller Backpack mod open backpack action, but after I close MC and open it up again my binding is gone. I tried setting it up for action from vanilla and it is not reset.

In log I found this:
�[m�[33m[10:25:49] [modloading-worker-2/WARN] [MineMenu/]: Menu item in slot 0 is defined as a key action, but is missing a keybinding. It will be reset!

And here is content of menu.json
{ "Backpack": {}, "main": { "0": { "title": "Backpack", "icon": { "stack": "{id:\"travelersbackpack:standard\",Count:1b,tag:{}}" }, "action": { "key": { "key": "key.travelersbackpack.inventory", "toggle": false } } }, "1": { "title": "123", "icon": { "stack": "{id:\"minecraft:stripped_spruce_wood\",Count:1b}" }, "action": { "key": { "key": "key.left", "toggle": false } } } } }
Is it possible to fix it somehow? If not then I have 2 ideas that I hope can fix this:

  1. Add option in config that will do force 'late load' of your keybindings, for example during world load.
  2. Add command /minemenu reload that will tell your mod to reload minemenu because user requested it.

Closing as it's the same as #75, as you mentioned yourself.


It looks like same issue as #75 .