


Death in edit mode

Mach12 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


When one commits suicide in edit mode with the /kill command, respawning puts them back to their out-of-computer gamemode. However, it applies once the item filtering process at respawn time.

To make it clearer, imagine you have a sword, a pickaxe, torches, and whatever else is in your survival inventory.
Then you go to edit mode from a computer. As normal, you have an alternate inventory, empty, except for the four starter devices (designix, lathe, alchemiter and cruxtruder).
There, if you type /kill, death occurs, then you respawn in survival mode, are considered as out of edit mode, but your inventory is empty with the 4 devices again, even if you gave yourself authorized blocks in edit mode. Your actual survival inventory is therefore lost, replaced by this.

No stacktrace to be shown.

Additional note: I personally consider as an issue that one can commit suicide from edit mode.


I'm going to disable all commands except some selected commands that won't break things, like "gameRule" and "help". But I will also include "give" and "clearInventory".
EDIT: Okay, I'm going to skip having "give" and "clearinventory" enabled. But I'm also not going to disable commands. Just make the affected players exit editmode instead.