


Little expansion of what you can do with Grist

Mach12 opened this issue ยท 17 comments


From the bits of research I did on your mod, it seems you determine the costs of an item/block from its crafting costs, and if you can't determine them, the item is unalchemizable nor useable in edit mode.
Therefore I'll list here a few crafting materials that would be appreciated to have a cost so you can spawn items made from them:

  • Reeds (or sugar canes)
  • Tinker's Construct and/or Thermal Expansion metals (mostly nickel, aluminium, copper, tin and lead ingots)
  • Nether farmable things from Gany's Nether (ghost wheat, blazing cactoid, quartz berries)
  • Thingy from Minegicka III
  • And eventually spiritual ores from Kingdom Keys

Considering derivatives of these items don't need a cost set (if I got it right), this should't take too long to do and would encourage modpacks with Minestuck.


Soon finished. Please add more if you have any suggestions!


Added recipes for some modded object that may be unobtainable in the Middle.


Ran into some problems while getting extra utilities, but I believe it should be resolved soon.


Ehm... Is it normal, then, that edit mode blocks my ability to give myself minecraft:reeds, which is the ID for the sugar cane block?


I was just about to push code for changing the way of checking that. Now it uses "Block.getBlockFromItem(item) != null" for example instead of "item instanceof ItemBlock". So that thing was just about to get fixed.


Sugar canes do have a grist cost. The thing is that right now, the editmode handler checks if the item is an instance of the class "ItemBlock". This however sorts out several items for blocks that doesn't extend "ItemBlock", such as doors and sugar canes. So that's one part of the issue.

I agree that the mod should have more support for other mods to extend the amount of items/recipes. So far, there's only extra content for the iron chest mod and NEI.


I'm probably going to focus on mod compatibility after the current project. In the meantime, would you like to help by updating the alchemy data spreadsheets with values for other mods?


Well I don't know how your syntax for alchemy works but I can give it a try...


I have decided to work on mod support when there's suggestions for combinations and grist costs to put in the code.


Ok, I'll start making a list, I already have plenty of ideas.
Warn me if you have some webpage or other place where I should put it when ready.
There are at least 10 mods I'll give cost grids for.


There's two files already, in the md file in this project.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtQP0yOa5DOrdGJTekhGTUJ2azhxMUxsWjBiand0UVE&usp=sharing for grist costs and
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtQP0yOa5DOrdFFRMmx4M2Z1QUhKRVZJZTRTdEZOdUE&usp=sharing for combination recipes.
EDIT: Oh, and use the rightmost category for mod recipes.


Just one thing, why is build grist at 0?


Ok I got a bit started but I'll need a list of avaible grist kinds with appearance and/or rarity.
Either you have this, or I'll wait till I'm home and check my grist cache.


You can look in this file. https://github.com/mraof/Minestuck/blob/master/src/com/mraof/minestuck/util/GristType.java The higher the number, the more common.


It's a special case. It mostly only matters for preventing build grist to be selected for underling types, and probably to prevent other things too.


Ok I got started, it's getting into shape.

Ah and this may be interesting if you plan on expanding grist kinds:
Official grist list from the SBURB simulator


OK I did a first version. No craftings yet but I made some costs for basic mod compatibility.
Should cover most mods' needs for now but I'll continue later.