Derse/Prospit as finite/spherical Suggestion
LeowynHavaru opened this issue ยท 1 comments
I'm terribly sorry if I'm doing anything wrong, bit new, but I figured I'd mention this... Derse and Prospit, in the comic, aren't exactly HUGE, so to make them infinite like most of Minecraft would lack the feel of the two Kingdoms. I was looking around, and in the Doctor Who client mod currently being worked on by iKingsSGC, it mentions something about a "World Manager" system, used to make the bigger on the inside TARDIS seamless, supposedly. I'm sorry if you already figured this, I'm still somewhat new to programming. But, I figure if this world manager can do bigger on the inside, it can do spherical astral bodies and such. One large "cube", of sorts, which could simply be flown around as if gravity were actually centered would feel much more accurate. Thanks, hope to see what you come out with next!
~Leowyn Havaru, devoted watcher