MineTweaker RecipeMaker

MineTweaker RecipeMaker


Crashes when trying to load scripts

jaredlll08 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hey guys,
So a while ago, I implemented script sorting, since it has been on the TODO list for a while, and people wanted it, and it appears that it causes a crash with your sub-folder structure of "scripts\MineTweakerRecipeMaker\scripts\script-file".

The easiest way to fix this would be to generate your script files in the main script directory.
I figured I should let you guys know ahead of time so there isn't any miscommunication or misunderstandings



KK That is a leftover of when we were doing one file per thing.


Quick question, while I'm doing this quick fix. Is the reload API still at minetweaker.MineTweakerImplementationAPI.reload() ?
(Or is that gonna change in the near future, since we use reflection it won't crash, but It'd be nice to keep autoreloading working)


uh, yea, still there, I don't plan on replacing package names, maybe come 1.11, but right now, package names won't change.


Ok, I thought that was the case, for compatibility's sake.

Issue fixed by cc54c65