color renderer shows only black and structure are completely transparent
mrpyrocat opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Are you using Optifine or otherwise shaders? Any other mods that do some significant rendering related stuff?
Color Editor is working again, it was because of the Dark UI Resourcepack from Vanilla tweaks, It still does not show up in game tho
I tried it with all mods off( except miniHUD) and no Resourcepacks and it still would not render in the world. Could it be that it does not work on servers?
Oh was your original main issue that structure bounding boxes don't work on a server? I thought this was about messed up color rendering stuff in the menus (and in the world?). Structure bounding boxes in multiplayer require the server to have the Servux mod installed to send the structure data to MiniHUD when it requests for it. Without Servux on the server, you won't see any structures when playing on that server.