MiniHUD Update Port

MiniHUD Update Port


feature request: new shapes?

end-user opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Is it possible to add new shapes? The circle is great! But it'd be helpful to have a square/rectangle too.


Boxes/rectangles are among the many new shapes that are still planned, yes.

Unfortunately I just have so little time to work on any one given mod these days, that I haven't done anything for MiniHUD in many months now... Currently I'm mostly porting some mods to 1.16.x and I still have several Forge mods to even port from 1.12.2 to 1.14.4 and later...


Well, at least by now I'm a lot closer to being able to start working on MiniHUD stuff again...


You can get an easy rectangle by using litematica selections. Works fine for me.


still watching for this feature