[Suggestion] add option to show multiple info types in one line
CodeF53 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
It would be nice to be able to have certain elements on the same line as each other, along with having full customization of formatting.
Bees: 2
Honey: 0
Ping: 20ms
144 fps
Slime Chunk: NO
Biome: Plains
Facing: east (Positive X)
-120, 12, -455
Bees: 2 Honey: 0
144 fps Ping: 20ms
Plains Slimes: NO
-120, 12, -455 East (+X)
This could be an optional advanced mode, where users are just given access to the variables like {FPS} and {BeeCount}
Bees: {BeeCount}\tHoney: {HoneyLevel}
{FPS} fps\tPing: {Ping} ms
{Biome}\tSimes: {SlimeChunk? "YES" : "NO"}
{Coordinates}\t{FacingCardinal} ({Facing})
Fully customizable info lines are already planned, and I started implementing those a few months back, but didn't finish it yet. So that last bit is pretty close to how things will work in the future. However I don't know if tabulators will be supported, one big issue with any kind of text alignment is that the default Minecraft font is not monospace... I guess I could try to support it in case the user has a monospace font resource pack.