- 2
Minecraft 1.18 Support
#181 opened by MatthewManley - 0
As of MiniHUD 0.19.0-dev.20211027.183903, shapes fail to render water behind them with Fabulous graphics.
#179 opened by James103 - 6
[1.17.1-0.19.0] Crash when scrolling in the config GUI (H+C shortcut).
#178 opened by TelepathicGrunt - 1
1.17.1 shaperenderer das not work
#177 opened by freezgames - 0
[Feature request] Remaining tick of current weather cycle
#176 opened by zhguyu - 5
[Feature Req] Spawner Activation Range Overlay
#175 opened by xanthian - 3
1.17.1 Bounding Box Server
#174 opened by DarkxStorm - 2
Mini-hud block braking
#173 opened by Dondyblondie2 - 1
[1.17.1] Shape renderer causes massive frame drops
#172 opened by utbrott - 0
Adding a screenshot to Readme.md
#170 opened by anmolsekhon590 - 1
[1.12.2] Conflict with RandomPatches. Game crashes upon startup.
#169 opened by SonicX8000 - 1
[bug] Subtitle text is pushed up but subtitle background is not
#168 opened by triphora - 1
[Feature Request] Minihud profiles
#167 opened by BeeFox-sys - 3
Ability to display overlays with Shaders on.
#163 opened by SemperUdellis - 2
[Bug] Hotkey doesn't work when pressing other keys at the same time
#162 opened by wu4x - 0
Ability to display current weather
#161 opened by marcell1no - 6
[Bug] Multiplayer Bounding Boxes not working 1.17.1
#160 opened by LosBagros - 1
MaLiLIB causing crash on my laptop
#159 opened by omega9380 - 5
Shapes config page not correctly adjusting based on GUI scale
#158 opened by omega9380 - 1
None of the hud is showing up on screen
#157 opened by Tacky377 - 0
[SUGGESTION] add seed viewer
#156 opened by baconlover209 - 2
infobeecount staying at 0
#155 opened by xibau - 0
[Feature Suggestion] add current weather
#154 opened by end-user - 4
[Bug] Shape Manager menu broken
#153 opened by autive42 - 2
Multiplayer Bounding Boxes not working 1.17
#152 opened by csergi - 0
Coordinates display ignores "reducedDebugInfo" game rule
#151 opened by Lentern - 6
Structure overlay doesn't work
#150 opened by AltriaOwO - 8
fontScale not working in 1.17
#149 opened by Triplchii - 1
Light level
#148 opened by spiiross - 2
21w14a Crashes when loading shapes
#147 opened by Allunaat - 2
Water level indicator impossible to switch off
#146 opened by ReaperFBB - 1
bounding boxes don't work on carpet servers when carpet client is installed
#145 opened by enteranewusernamechangemyusername - 2
[Request] formatting for all info lines
#144 opened by supersaiyansubtlety - 1
[Bug?] timeDayDivisor doesn't affect infoWorldTimeFormatted
#143 opened by supersaiyansubtlety - 3
The default hotkey for toggling the HUD (H) does not work
#142 opened by SanctusInfernum - 0
A block counter/divider rendering
#141 opened by FEEDEMFISH - 3
Render Overlays don't working on Servers
#140 opened by AstroPenguan - 2
Feature Request: CPS counter
#139 opened by squishycat92 - 1
Minihud breaks pause menu
#138 opened by Noxally - 2
Forge Edition for the latest versions
#137 opened by RaptaG - 3
Mini HUD Not Displaying Anything
#133 opened by Copyablemite4 - 1
Enabling minihud shows weird borders by default.
#132 opened by qwertitty - 0
[Feature] map borders
#131 opened by Delukasor - 0
[Feature Suggestion] Void view
#130 opened by MineAndDine96 - 5
Can't open my Minihud menu
#129 opened by Keeekomat - 1
Make options more readable
#127 opened by Madis0 - 1
[Suggestion] Container with NBT-Data viewer
#126 opened by MineAndDine96 - 1
Shulker box preview doesnt work in the search creative inventory tab
#125 opened by MineAndDine96 - 2
Bees counter not counting bees in a nest
#124 opened - 2
Manual input the seed
#123 opened by AbrasiveBoar902