Mixin 0.7-0.8 Compatibility

Mixin 0.7-0.8 Compatibility


Requieres mixinbooter bug

skaviouz opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I can't launch my client when I enable NAE2 (Neeve's AE2: Extended Life Additions) - log here

So to explain, I found another person with a similar issue to mine:
The devs from MixinBooter says it was due to Essentials for that Issue, but I don't have Essentials.

I checked the error log, found CLEANROOM_DISABLE_MIXIN_CONFIGS then I scroll up a few lines and find at org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker.<init>(MixinTweaker.java:46) [!!![___MixinCompat-1.1-1.12.2___].jar:?]

build.gradle commit note says Update mixin to 0.8.5 last year.

here is a snippet:
[18:03:07] [main/INFO] [mixin]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8 Source=file:/C:/Users/localaccount/AppData/Roaming/PrismLauncher/instances/Wing-1.12.2/.minecraft/mods/!!!%5B___MixinCompat-1.1-1.12.2___%5D.jar Service=LaunchWrapper Env=CLIENT

So it's not reporting version 0.8.5 but 0.8?

Now let me do some explaining:
I have BetterPortals, supposedly it uses iirc 0.7x mixin? Don't quote me.

I can launch, but I am required to do the following:

  • rename BetterPortals jar to !!betterportals-, if it's not renamed, crash.
  • rename MixinCompat jar to !!![___MixinCompat-1.1-1.12.2___].jar, because there are other mods with ! prefix in their filename and [___ is loaded after. If it's not renamed, crash.

Everything loads fine, Example of successful launch without NAE2

However, the moment I rename nae2-1.6.4.jar.disabled to nae2-1.6.4.jar so as to enable the mod, I get the Message that I require mixinbooter 0.8.3 or newer. I have MixinBooter 9.3 (!mixinbooter-9.3.jar), but it's obviously loaded after BetterPortals and MixinCompat.

So there is some sort of error with the SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version that's being reported?

Anyways, I also created an issue at NAE2 (Neeve's AE2: Extended Life Additions): AE2-UEL/NAE2#81