Mixin causes game to crash when entering nether
crush2021-1 opened this issue · 11 comments
I initially thought sponge was the problem as that's when the problem began, but after posting on sponge forums I have been pointed in this direction. here is the log from a crash. I am playing tekxit 3.14 on my server and the minecraft version is 1.12.2 if that helps.
mixins.bugfixes.world.chunksaving is what brought me here
I have already changed the config for sponge but it hasn't solved the problem. Let me know if you need anymore info or another log, thanks.
Looks like features from Universal Tweaks are incompatible with SpongeForge. Please disable Entity Tracker
under Bugfixes -> Entities and Chunk Saving
under Bugfixes -> World inside the Universal Tweaks config and try again!
Sorry been away. Just applied the changes, but the server still crashed after entering the nether.
I should also note that I did try uninstalling Universal tweaks and that didnt solve the problem either.
Ya without sponge forge it works perfectly fine, however I already posted on it regarding sponge but they pointed me here.
Here’s the link to the forum if you want see what we already covered.
Is there any reason you‘re using a heavily outdated version of SpongeForge? I threw the latest version into Tekxit and could launch and switch dimensions just fine.
theres a link to the latest crash report, there are also some logs if you would like to see those aswell