ViaForge and MixinBooter
Yura64UA opened this issue ยท 4 comments
General Information
configanytime, mixinbooter, betterfps, controllable, controlling, darkredstone, entityculling, fermiumasm, fermiumbooter, foamfix, fpsreducer, homoium, ksyxis, lagbgonrevived, nether api, particleculling, phosphorcrashfix, phosphor, optifine, randompatches, rawinput, spark, universaltweaks, viaforge
Bug Description
MixinBooter crashes with ViaForge
Steps to Reproduce
Just download both mods ig
Expected Behavior
the game shouldn't crash when i use viaforge
This should not caused by ViaForge nor MixinBooter. I've used them together for years.
This might be cause by unsupported Fermium stuffs, whatever, you should do binary search:
Remove half of the existing mods and put them aside and repeat until problematic mod/s are found.