1.12 | Crash with SpongeForge
Switch-Back18 opened this issue · 15 comments
Minecraft : 1.12.2
MixinBooter : 10.1
SpongeForge : 1.12.2-2838-7.4.7
The game wont lanch when i installed SpongeForge
I have use the Fix of UniversalTweaks and CensoredASM
Here is my logs : https://mclo.gs/62ThLQV
Without CensoredASM there is this other error
logs withou CensoredASM : https://mclo.gs/mCMS0NM
It's loading SpongeForge's mixins which are outdated, try with it loading later (removing AAAA prepending) than MixinBooter please.
It's loading SpongeForge's mixins which are outdated, try with it loading later (removing AAAA prepending) than MixinBooter please.
I’m having the same problem
Iv tried different load orders and it doesn’t matter.
MixinBooter + SpongeForge:
Log with CensoredASM:
@Rongmario, Good evening. I encountered similar problems as people above. I use: !!!spongeforge-1.12.2-2838-7.4.8-RC4142 !!mixinbooter-10.3 !censoredasm5.20 Tried different launch orders, but did not help.
Provide your log, if still after change to correct order
Good evening. I encountered similar problems as people above. I use:
Tried different launch orders, but did not help.
@Rongmario, Good evening. I encountered similar problems as people above. I use: !!!spongeforge-1.12.2-2838-7.4.8-RC4142 !!mixinbooter-10.3 !censoredasm5.20 Tried different launch orders, but did not help.
MixinBooter must be first
@Rongmario, Good evening. I encountered similar problems as people above. I use: !!!spongeforge-1.12.2-2838-7.4.8-RC4142 !!mixinbooter-10.3 !censoredasm5.20 Tried different launch orders, but did not help.
MixinBooter must be first
Tried this:
also tried threadPriorityFix=false
I am attaching the error report: https://mclo.gs/alYG8aw
Doesn't start, another error appeared. Log:
Logs without CASM:
Good morning. As I understand it, there is no quick way to fix the error?
Should we expect a patch?
Currently investigating, will push a new version when the cause is found. You can revert to 9.4 for now.
Thank you very much. With 9.4 everything started and works stably.
Currently investigating, will push a new version when the cause is found. You can revert to 9.4 for now.
@HowardZHY @Artem-VV @Switch-Back18 @samuelask give 10.4 a go.
@HowardZHY @Artem-VV @Switch-Back18 @samuelask give 10.4 a go.
The server started correctly. Apparently the error has been fixed. Great job!