MMD OreSpawn

MMD OreSpawn


1.10 version is overwritting changes made to config files

Zygus42 opened this issue ยท 12 comments


This "feature" makes it completely useless as a mod. I'm guessing it has something to do with the config folder now residing in the main dir instead of the config dir.


This is for version


Thanks for the report, I'll look into it


It's persistently removing the dimension tag from every .json except orespawn.json and minecraft.json too - so all the Nether Ores are spawning all over the place.


That makes no sense...


I can verify that as of the latest version today, this is still happening. There are no Dimension tags in Nether Metals or Netherrocks orespawn filed, nothing in End Metals either - so all those ores are spawning in the overworld.

Further, if I try to overwrite to increase or decrease the amount/rarity of any ore, it just gets overwritten as soon as I load the game and/or server (I've done both).

Edit to point out that 'latest version' on forge is, so not much has changed. :)


Did the old config still exist?


what do you mean by old config? I used the generated modernmetals.json, removed the ores in there (as for now I didn't want them in the world for easier testing of basemetals). After starting the game again the original files with the ores was back.

So it's all about that one file in orespan/modernmetals.json and my changes were gone. I can try that again the next days when I am home again.


and not sure how I unassigned you, btw.


I think it converts the old one and overwrites the new one. Try moving the old config to a different place once it's converted.

You didn't unassign me, I left the repo so I can't be assigned anymore. I guess it's a bug that it's showing that you did.


So one report from what I just experienced: I changed basemetals.js and modernmetals.json. my changes to basemetals stayed but modernmetals was overwritten every time (e.g. I deleted all ores in the list or changed size=0).


I have no idea about old config - I installed fresh on a new server with no old files and it did that to the only config files I found. ?