MMD OreSpawn

MMD OreSpawn


Make Clusters / Veins to have maximum flexibility.

D3nnis3n opened this issue ยท 12 comments


I'll just make you an example for what i would be able to specify with Maximum Flexibility:

Generate 1 - 2 Clusters / Veins consisting of 4-8 blocks of silver and 20 - 24 blocks of lead.
This example might be called galena internally.

It will get much more imminent if you say - this is ficitional - there is a Mineral called "Muchium"

It generates 1 - 2 Clusters with clusters consisting of 1-2 blocks Gold, 2-5 blocks copper, 6-7 blocks iron and 2-4 blocks lead. That will be hard to achieve if you can't specifiy a block number.


No good ideas on how to make this work and not require a lot of internal changes


This is still relevant for a future upate, as as of now there is no possibility to define exactly the amount of ores for multi-ore spawns. Might be a Feature only for the precision Generator.


Exactly what I was getting at - the existing code is designed to take a probability value (an X in Y chance, where Y is the total of all the X's specified) and isn't, really, all that precise on it. I do, however, have an idea of how to make this work, it just requires providing an alternate structure to the ore-list build... which would then be possible to apply to all the spawners. Its just a rather big change.


This is actually now possible with the blocks field

			"blocks": [
					"name": "minecraft:coal_ore",
					"chance": 90
					"name": "minecraft:iron_ore",
					"chance": 10

Well, this does not allow me to define an near exact amount or an near exact range of blocks, afaik.


Uhm yeah, you can only specify chances


Exactly. And my proposal is for the precision generator, that allows "more flexibility" g


The "chance" is as precise as I can make it without involving all kinds of extra math and bookkeeping that would slow everything down badly


and there is a "precision" generator that generates a block of ore of a specified size to within +/- 5% (I've tried for better, but could not make it happen)


Yes, the missing thing from this suggestion after the creation of the precision generator was, that the precisison generator is missing a feature, that allows to make the multi-ore spawns to also happen in range within +/- 5%. At the moment this is only possible for spawns with only one ore.


@D3nnis3n yeah - as I said above... I've made the "chance" as precise as possible without causing bad world-gen lag. I could do it a lot more precise, but that has trade-offs. As it is, the chance selection actually lays out a flattened segment-tree for making the selection... it should even adjust it after each spawn, but I might have messed up that part - or forgotten to include it.


with the "precision" generator available and the requested precision here not being fully possible... closing this issue as resolved/not an issue