Mo' Bends

Mo' Bends


Vivecraft 1.12.2 v11 r2 immediate crash

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Describe the bug
The player model of mobends attempts to override the vivecraft VR player model, both in single player and on vivecraft supporting servers, which results in an immediate crash for anybody attempting to render a VR player.

Expected behavior
It would be nice to see it where the mobends mod does NOT override VR players, as VR players can already bend their arms in similar fashion to mobends.

Their code is entirely open source if you would like to see for yourself on how to handle it. Its repository requires you to decompile Minecraft via install.bat in its source directory, however the patch files might give you enough of a hint in the git alone.

Theoretically, you can avoid a crash that occurs when player models clash, by reading a server packet that Vivecraft sends to the internal/external server before the player model begins rendering (the same packet it would be using to block nonvr players if the spigot/forge server is configured to do so), and then using that in your MoBends logic to decide if the player in question should have their animations overridden. This hopefully will also result in some players being overridden whilst others (specifically VR players) aren't, thus, hopefully, avoiding the need to disable player animations altogether just to run in Vivecraft or play on a Vivecraft supporting server.

I'll also send some crash reports soon to make it clear where your code is faulting due to no vivecraft support. It includes a path trace to your code and the vivecraft code that clashes with it. since Vivecraft overrides any VR players' player models, your code needs to check for this before attempting to insert its own model data, then it should let vivecraft retain control.

I am Scrawn/Kaleidio#1714 on your server and will be around to help test any beta patches you might create.

Additional context