Mo' Bends

Mo' Bends


Mo' Bends wolf animation bug with Enhanced Visuals

GameGuts opened this issue ยท 0 comments


A mod known as Enhanced Visuals is a mod that adds more details to, and example, wolves. The wolf's tail will look fluffy and sway. However, after the wolf is tamed, and the wolf goes to sit, a weird glitch of it's tail going under the block it is on, and it's upper back, like falls to the block. It is easier shown than said.

Its really simple to do it yourself. Just install the Enhanced Visuals with the Mo' Bends mod, find yourself a wolf, and tame him. He should sit after being tamed, so you should see it after taming.

Their is no game breaking glitch happening, however the wolves kinda slide their tail and upper body to the bugged position. However, it would look great if these two mods work together.


  • Minecraft version: 1.12.2
  • Mo' Bends version 1.0.0-beta-20.06.20
  • Other installed mods Better Animations Collection 2 v1.0.2