Mo' Bends

Mo' Bends


"Wings" mod animations

speedythehedghog opened this issue ยท 3 comments


can you add compatibility to wings when i fly using it it looks werd so can you add and if yes then add it on 1.12.2 and 1.16.5 if your are gona even do 1.16.5

Minecraft ForgeOptiFine 1 12 2 11_30_2021 12_48_39 PM


After Mo' Bends addon tools become mature, I'd expect someone from the community (or me) would make an addon to make them both compatible ๐Ÿ˜„


Seems that the Wings mod has their own custom integration with Mo' Bends 0.24. Could be an interesting base for mod compatibility research ๐Ÿ˜„


It would be rather cool to have them working correctly as flying with them right now just tilts the players head downwards a lot which looks really bad lmao

2022-06-08_02 37 15