Mo' Bends

Mo' Bends


Annimation Suggestions

JazzCat-4TW opened this issue · 4 comments


I’d Like to suggest for the 1.13.2 version; to add in animations for Capes?
maybe your own cape uploader, but preferably if their was a way to keep the mod independant, and yet animate a cape frame, that addapted if a visual cape was in use, or if the player has a minecon cape in use.
That way There’s no issues or less figuring out how to be compatible ect

And 2nd part could be added in for 1.14.4, or 1.13.2 (which ever is fastest to role the sucessive version updates out evenly)
Would be an annimation for our Elyctra’s


There's already an animation for capes, but thanks for the suggestion <3


Here’s an example of the elyctra wings, except this is already a mod. however I’m more or less interested in looking at a Client side version, so We can see it while we have mo’bends on in game on a server

As the video contains a link to a scam site, I've supplied the CurseForge download for Wings.
