Mo' Creatures Extended

Mo' Creatures Extended


Tick World Crashing with Mo Creeps and Weirdos Revival

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I know this is a modified fork of Almura's Mo Creature Branch. I'd originally sent an email to try to get in contact with the original creator ,and there wasn't really a reply to that end. So it was nice seeing it spring back to life.

That it's barely been released, and is gonna have a multitude of issues. I however am always curious and like testing for issues. I appreciate the work you and the community do heavily. It's really nice to see the progress and contribution. However I was curious as within yesterday and today's current build. I've hit similar crashes. This one was upon world generation and loading. It just stopped. I assume it has to do with the world Generation. But I'm not too knowledgeable.

Thank you so much, and sorry to bother you with this. I know you guys have a lot of work to do, but I at least figured I could post this in advance. Maybe you already know. Have a good rest of your day, afternoon, evening or night.


Crash Report:

Edit: From additional testing I gather it's more likely to do with Mo Creeps and Weirdos Revival. Which is sad since I'm used to them going hand in hand. I understand if not much can be done to really fix them. As certain mods just are incompatible with one another. Though, thank you and sorry for taking up your time.


Can‘t reproduce with using only Mo‘ Creatures Extended and More Creeps And Weirdos Revival. Did you disable some of its mobs?
Either way, since I suspect spawn weights of 0 being the culprit here, the latest commit contains extra handling for this.
Feel free to test again and also test with only the two mods involved on your system.


This seems to have resolved it, and yeah I'm sure it was most likely that. I think I ended up disabling one or two mobs. Which was the golem variants. The issue I had was when you killed a mini golem at least in the original 1.12.2 release a floating block entity would be left to exist. I have no idea if this was ever patched or fixed. So it was more then likely a better safe then sorry scenario.

Thank you so much in any case.


@Desenrrollado If you can reproduce the issues with the mobs you disabled, feel free to open a separate issue - they might be fixable.