Mo' Creatures Extended

Mo' Creatures Extended


More mob breeding?

BandanaHafoc opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I'm really glad that someone finally added turkey breeding! My question is, could we have a similar thing with goats and/or deer? They both have genders and baby forms already in the game, and with either of those additions venison would be a renewable resource (great for when butchers ask for it). For the goats we could have any crop-type food item (carrots, wheat, beets, etc.) and for the deer... uh... leaves? Two-block-tall grass? There aren't any real forbs in Minecraft so that's my best suggestion. Since deer are such skittish animals, they'd probably approach you like rabbits or ocelots do (your preference).


OK, I'm back from outer space. Since this thread is about mob breeding, let's go ALL the way.

This is a list of things that can be done for realism and utility and ways to implement them. (Might want to change the post name to be more like that, but I can't figure out how.) Here goes...

-In a discussion thread, ye mentioned wyvern breeding instead of killing them. Nest blocks / features could spawn throughout the WyvernLair. When a player throws meat down near a wyvern (possibly to keep them from eating the player like you do with BigCats), they'll eat it and fly back to a nest site to lay an egg. The player has to follow the wyvern all the way there (might want to give the wyvern a potion effect to make it easier to track) to the site and stay away from it while it lays the egg so it doesn't go hostile. Then the player has to take the egg before it hatches, like with ostriches, but the wyvern goes hostile when they do, like with ostriches. How's that for a challenge? Alternately, the player would wait for the wyvern to leave before taking the egg. It makes a tidy little stealth challenge in the Lair. In any case, you don't have to worry about finding two wyverns to breed with each other - plenty of reptiles reproduce asexually. That brings me to my next point...
-In real life, Komodo dragons can lay eggs without a male present. All the offspring are very similar males, but it's useful for when a dragon gets separated from the mainland. There's an old feature that lets you feed scorpions an essence of darkness so that they lay eggs (which seems like a hugely expensive way to get more scorpions, if you ask me). You could have something like that for Komodos, or something like what I was saying about the wyverns. It's the same thing for pythons - at least, Burmese pythons. In captivity, they can lay eggs that will hatch into a bunch more identical females. You could do the essence of darkness trick here, or you could try and exploit this in the wild, or you could just feed two wild ones rats (which wouldn't be too hard, considering how these things chase you).
-Since we're talking about killing things for eggs, let's try and fix that for other mobs. That makes no sense for all but two animals - ovoviviparous snakes and pouch sharks. From this article on the wiki ( it seems that not one of the snakes in the mod are like that, although I'll point out that the orange snake can't be a corn snake because it's venomous and the Mo'Creatures cobra isn't a real kind of cobra. As for pouch sharks, that could honestly work... except that the new texture and model are obviously for a great white, and again they'd drop a shark pouch with 1-3 baby sharks in it and not just an egg.
-Picking wild baby scorpions up doesn't seem to work anymore... they just sting you =( a scorpion with babies is a scary threat instead of a nice treat. That's probably intentional, but the old way makes more sense (slightly. The thing that would make the most sense would be if a mama scorpion drops larvae that you have to raise somewhere).
-Which kind of big cat is a black panther? They're normally melanistic leopards or jaguars, but you can breed them with leopards and it gives you a different kind of cat. It would be nice to make this more clear somehow.
-Bears aren't usually meat-eaters (not black or brown ones anyway), but they're all tamed with meat. Except pandas, of course. Neither berries nor honey exist in this version, though... you could probably do something about the second one, seeing how you have bees.
-Raccoons. You can feed a raccoon wheat seeds and it tames them. I do not understand this. Furthermore, it's currently bugged. If you feed a tamed raccoon, it renames them instead of healing them or letting them breed. I don't know why you'd want more raccoons, but I suppose they make fur more renewable. Maybe I won't have to kill so many moles anymore!
-You can just tame fish with nets. If you're killing them, it's for fish and omelets. The eggs don't have to be hatching ones, and it doesn't make sense that eggs you pulled out of a fish that you've cut in half with a sword would be viable anyway. If you want to breed more of a particular kind of fish, there could be some sort of chum item, made with fish and salmon (or maybe tropical fish, to give them a point to being in the game).
-Boar breeding? I just love boar shoats, but I can't figure out what you'd feed them for balancing. They're better than pigs, but not as good as cows, and they attack you. Also, if you want to make them like actual pigs, they'll have a wide palate (eggs from chickens or anything else, mushrooms, anything crunchy or juicy). I like the idea of both chicken eggs (using a mob farm to make a second mob farm) and mushrooms (pretend they're truffles and it gives brown mushrooms a point beyond decoration and stew).
-Finally, for people who are too lazy to try and figure out which food breeds which animal or for people who have tried and lost patience, an item that works on every breedable Mo'Creatures mob. I don't know what this item would be, but it should be hugely expensive - like, nine different resources kind of expensive. It would be like a fish, a pork chop, a rat, a carrot, a potato, wheat or a pumpkin, an apple, etc. You could use to tame and breed anything or reduce horse temper, but oh man it's a lot of work to craft. You could also use it if breeding requires something specific which isn't included in that recipe that you can't find.

Let me know what you think of these ideas! The mob utility stuff will be in a different post, and I'll put my wyvern idea in that thread as well.


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