Mo' Creatures Extended

Mo' Creatures Extended


config or compatibility with silver

modpackmaker999 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


HI I saw that this mod adds silver and that tends to clash with Ice And Fire silver. I was wondering if possible yall can add a config file that gets rid of the Mo' Creatures Extended silver or replaces the recipes that has Mo' Creatures Extended silver with Ice And Fire silver?

Sorry if my explanation was bad if you need more explanation just please reply I'll try my best!

And we'd really appreciate yall try to do this we love this mod I love the dark fantasy mobs so with this and Ice And Fire its the best so please if yall can do this we'd love it!

thank you!


Do you mean Ancient Silver or the alternate silver item called Fine Silver that already has the ingotSilver ore dictionary? You can obtain the alternative version by smelting ancient silver ingots but we're open to improving how this system works. This is because the ancient variant is technically a different metal.