Fluxed electrum and Thermal Foundation mod
migmolrod opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Right now I see this mod has support for Fluxed electrum from Redstone Arsenal. It happens that Thermal Foundation now also has Fluxed Electrum material. Is there any way I can get all the recipes for that material if I don't have Redstone Arsenal but I do have the CoFH mods (Thermal Foundation, Expansion, etc)?
Right now I can make molten Fluxed Electrum in my tinkerer's smeltery but I can't use it to make ingots or to fill casts. Right-clicking the drain/faucet does nothing.
This seems to be a duplicate from this:
@migmolrod thanks for the report, the mod is pending a rewrite (and I know it's taking quite a while), that is nearly finished. Unfortunately my life has taken a turn for the worse as far as free-time goes. I recently moved to a new place and am still sorting things out. I will however, be sure to fix this and all other reported bugs as soon as possible.
@YaibaToKen I have a question, have you fixed this bug so far?