Mob Grinding Utils

Mob Grinding Utils


Mob masher doesnt work with PMMO

troopertate opened this issue ยท 5 comments


so I am playing a custom version of RAD 2 that I made and the Mon Masher does not work. i did some research and found that the mob masher makes a fake player that uses a sword to hit the mobs. knowing this I removed all the level requirements for all the Minecraft swords in hopes it would fix it and allow the fake player to use the sword but it didn't. I did take PMMO out and tried the mob masher and it worked. how do I fix this?


so I actually fixed it, I went into PMMO config and went into the weapons requirement and added the null sword with a requirement of 0
Files / config / pmmo / req_weapon.json
add this to the bottom

"combat": 0

make sure the last entry has a comma(,) on its last bracket for example for me it looks like this

"combat": 34
"combat": 0


This didn't work for me I had to go a step further.

Based on the Mob Grinding Utils codebase I wrote a small Java app to spit out the UUID for the fake player:

import java.util.UUID;

public class MyClass {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    UUID uuid = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes("fakeplayer.mob_masher".getBytes());


And then added an entry to PMMO's player_specific.json file using that UUID to make it ignore requirements for that player:

		"ignoreReq": 1

what mc version was this one? the 1.20 and 1.21 versions of MGU clone the uuid of the player who places it so it shouldnt be an issue in modern mc versions.


It was on 1.16.5, so well before that change.


gotcha, just checking making sure nothing is broken ๐Ÿ‘