Mob Grinding Utils

Mob Grinding Utils


Vex Control

7OOTnegaTerces opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Like the Ender Teleportation Blocker (does that work on Shulkers too, because it should and needs too! ;P ), something is needed to keep Vex under control and unable to phase straight through blocks and attack the player. If banning them from flying through blocks makes their flight AI to complicated (I believe that's why the ender dragon can just fly through/destroy everything), then a Vex Vacuum that prevents them from moving and pins them in place at a certain spot would be fine. In fact, that would probably be better, unless fans work well for herding Vex towards one's designated kill chamber/location...


Lets see, Shulker's call the Ender Teleport event, so they should be redirected just like enderman.
Vex, i honestly did not know they could go through walls, ive never tried to farm them, and have only seen them in game like twice, ill have to look into how they function to see if such a thing is possible.


Awesome, thanks a lot!!! I really hope you can come up with something! If you do, please make it available for 1.18.2, that's the version I'm currently using...