Mob Grinding Utils

Mob Grinding Utils


Fluid XP = infinte levels of experience?

sharkweekthings opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Is it intended for 1 bucket of Fluid XP to be poured into the ground to equal infinite amounts of experience?

Create game w/ just Mob Grinding Utils
Creative Mode
give 1 fluid xp bucket
give a bunch of food
pour fluid xp bucket into the ground

stand in the 1 bucket of fluid xp while spam eating and continuously get experience without the 1 bucket of Fluid XP ever drying up. I only tested this up to level 14.

With Mob Grinding Utils as the only mod in the pack I was only able to get to level 8.
On my modpack I made, I am able to get to level 14.

The pool doesn't dry up, it just doesnt give more xp. When I lose some, I can come back and get more.

Forge 1.19.2


This is the intended behavior, converting food to exp, as long as your food is over 0, it should once a second give you some xp.
if (world.getGameTime() % 20 == 0 && player.getFoodData().getFoodLevel() > 0) {


If you're still working in 1.19.2 is there any way for a feature request to disable this via a config? It kind of really broke my progression pack allowing for insane amounts of free experience at the cost of potatos/carrots (or other extremely easy cooking recipes).

I ended up disabling the fluid placer, and using KubeJS to disable the ability to right click a bucket of fluid xp, fluid reservoir, etc to prevent the Fluid XP from being placed in the world.

I would like to re-enable all the features I disabled if at all possible because the fluid placer has it's own purposes.

If not, all good I understand! Worth a shot asking though =)

Thanks for responding!